Life, I’m sure is overwhelming at times for us all. And if it’s not, please tell me what planet you’re residing on, I’ll take a ticket there any time. My life over the last 10 months has become a place where I frequently feel at peace and content with the path I have decided to take, that will ready me for the next phases of my life. The simple pleasures and the brief moments shared with friends and family where peace and laughter are the focal point of our meetings are the times I truly enjoy.
My sister is supposed to be having my niece any day now, today April 6th was her doctors said due date. The family and friends are pouring in over text messages, lunch dates, and outings while we’re trying to stay peaceful and calm till Maleeya gets here. I can’t help but feel the pressure myself so I know my sister is tirelessly counting the seconds till her lovely baby girl meets us all.
As for me I’ve been running my mind over the whole situation, I’ve never lived with a small child and this is my big sister we grew up together going crazy over one another and the whole situation for me makes me a little scared but very excited. I know I’m really happy to help but this does really change everything. So my peace maybe interrupted a bit, well more than a bit but it will all be worth it to see this beautiful little girl bring so much happiness and joy to so many people’s lives.
Lately I’ve been cooking simple meals and not photographing too much, too many people around, too many things to do, and so much on my mind.
Yesterday I must have been a bit unkind to my body in yoga because it was screaming at me all day and very unhappy, luckily my back seems to be doing much better today after a good night’s rest. Tonight will be my 30th Yoga class in a row. I will of completed my challenge but I’m pretty sure until I for some reason (AKA BABY BIRTH) can’t make it to class I’ll keep going every day. My yoga studio has this wonderful program where you work about 4 hours a week volunteering your time helping at the desk and you receive yoga classes for free. I think things do happen for a reason, the precious gift of yoga has been placed in my life for a wonderful reason and I’m glad I can be a part of the experience.
So for you today I have these lovely easy pizzas, they are made atop thicker pita pockets that I found in my local Middle Eastern market. I love to scour that place for new breads, spices, herbs, and pickled vegetables whenever I can. These pizzas were thought of with a touch a veggie friendly influence as well as just making simple cheese pizzas for my brother in law. My sister loves pizza and she loved these little pockets. The pizza sauce is made with spinach instead of basil to achieve the veggie goodness that I love and to hide it from those suspecting doubters, plus i had no fresh basil. This sauce will also make a wonderful pasta sauce as well and can be used in recipes where you’d like a vegan tomato base. I hope you enjoy!
Pita Pizza’s with Spinach Pomodoro Sauce
Pita Pizza
4 thick pita’s
1 ½ cups of mozzarella cheese shredded
Kalamata olives
Sundried tomatoes
Roasted bell peppers
Spinach leaves thinly sliced for topping
(choose whatever type of toppings you would like!)
Spinach Pomodoro Sauce
1 large can of peeled whole tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic chopped
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried parsley
1 large pinches of salt
1 pinch of black pepper
3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
2 cups of chopped spinach
8 oz of tomato paste
Place all the items in a large blender leaving aside the tomato paste

Oregano and parsley




Salt and pepper

Blend till the tomatoes are mashed and ingredients well incorporated about 2 minutes of blending.

If there are still large chunks of tomato puree for longer depending on your blender
Place mixture in a medium sauce pan one medium heat
Add to the mixture the tomato paste
Cook till incorporated about 10 minutes
Color should be vibrant red, check seasoning to your preference, and set aside
Preheat oven to 450
On a sheet tray with parchment paper place pitas on top
Spread sauce over the top keeping a rim along the edge of the pizza
Place cheese on top of sauce and toppings to your liking
Place in the oven cook about 10-12 minutes or until the cheese is bubbling and browned
If you’re still not getting the bubbling brown effect put them in the broiler for a minute or two and you got it
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