I’m so grateful to take time out to acknowledge some really amazing women in my life. Mother’s day is always a special occasion, especially now that my sister is a mother too. I was lucky enough to help make Mother’s Day cards for all of Maleeya’s grandmas (Grandma, Granny, Bachan and Bubbe). They all received homemade cards, with probably more glue on them than stickers, but for a 2 year-old, they were pretty awesome. It’s so much fun to do little crafts like these for a special treat on Mother’s Day— we made a very special one for her mommy as well.
Mother’s Day wouldn’t be complete without a special Mother’s Day dinner. I taught yoga in the afternoon and then, even though it was over 100 degrees out here in southern California, we had a delicious Mother’s Day surf and turf bbq. My dad brought over some delicious seafood that I simply barbequed over a charcoal grill. We all had more food than would fit on our plates and a simple strawberry banana pie for dessert. I’m so grateful for all the strong, wonderful, sweet and loving women in my life who have shown how to love unconditionally. I hope all you mothers out there had a beautiful time celebrating with the people you love.

Grilled Lobster Tails
Pan-Seared Scallops

Barbequed Shrimp

Sake and Soy Sauce Grilled Chicken with Garlic and Green Onion

Baked Potatoes with Sour Cream, Butter and Green Onions
Pan-Roasted Green Beans with Button Mushrooms, Onions and Garlic

Green Onion, Broccoli, Cabbage and Carrot Coleslaw with Raisins and Red Wine Vinaigrette

Cucumber, Mozzarella, Cherry Tomatoes and Blue Cheese Salad

Grilled White Corn

Mozzarella Garlic Bread

Strawberry Banana Cream Pie
