Growing up I would venture down to Little Tokyo with my Bachan or if we were picking up my sister from her internship with my mom and dad, we would look in the little shops and I always fancied all the little Japanese confections, knickknacks and trinkets. But most of all I loved to look at the Japanese serving ware. The stores are lined with all different styles of trays, bowls, platters, and every other kind of serving utensil and apparatuses that you could put food on, serve it, cut, or scoop it. It really is so interesting to me. My dream came true seeing all these things when I visited Tokyo in summer of 2009. I would love to go back as soon as I can. I have a whole world I want to explore.
Some of the most memorable Japanese sweets I enjoy are Mochi and Imagawayaki.
Imagawayaki is like a pancake type sweet batter that is made on a special pan that’s kind of like a waffle iron they fill the sides with the batter then press in the middle a sweet red bean paste then fill the other side with a small poker they loosen the batter then flip on side on to the other then continue to let them cook flipping them finally one last time to finish and the end result is a lovely fluffy and little chewy batter that is filled with warm sweet red beans and when you eat them warm you really get the full effect. I bought the imagawayaki that I’m showing here at Mitsura Café in Little Tokyo117 Japanese Village Plz Mall Los Angeles, CA 90012. You can tell these ladies do this day in and day out and their pretty damn good at it. I haven’t had one of these in a really long time. They were so wonderful I had two.
Also when I’m in Little Tokyo I stop at Mikawaya .
This is the birth place of Mochi Ice Cream. It also has wonderful Mochi confections, ice cream, and gelato. But when I go there I mostly go for what my Bachan always called Manju but is known as Wagashi. These wonderfully chewy little confections are made of rice flour and sugar and have a very gluttonous form, sometimes filled with white beans or red beans. Something that my dad grew up on, my mom hates because it always gets stuck in her throat is so sticky and chewy and that I love. I bought Sakura (Cherry Blossom) mochi when I went because two days before had been girls day, they were piling them on the trays with a beautiful array of other mochi items.

My favorite things.
P.S. For those out in Japan or with family in Japan with the earthquakes and tsunami warnings, please be safe! My thoughts are with you all. I wrote this three days ago, posted it, and then my sister called me to watch the news. How terrible I hope every ones okay!
In these moments of tragedy and even in moments of bliss, we must reflect on the process of such natural occurrences having such a devastating impact on our lives and realize how truly blessed and fortunate we are to have our families and friends.
Give as much love as you can out to the universe and show that you really do care. Its not about possession its not about money, or property its about opening your heart. Give someone an extra smile or a heart felt hug and show the real kindness and gratitude you’re capable of. I love you all, and each and everyone of you is in my thoughts.
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