Thanksgiving Ideas

So we are rapidly approaching Thanksgiving!
This year is going by crazy fast but I’m excited to eat, give thanks and hang out with family. If you’ve been around my blog you’ve seen many Thanksgiving feasts from previous years. It’s usually the same stuff with a couple of twists. I’m sure you have your family favorites all planned out and if you need some different ideas here are three videos that Brandon made for thanksgiving ideas. If you are a pre-planner then these are great videos to reference and make ahead of time to take with you.
I’m terrible at preplanning my thanksgiving so I usually go to the store have someone with me to drive the cart because I hate driving the cart, buy everything, and then whatever we have we make. My parents are usually responsible for Ham and green bean casserole and deserts. The rest we figure out. This year Brandon is going to las vegas to visit family so we’ll have lots of different photos of Thanksgiving feasts. I love seeing everyone’s different dishes and delicious ideas. If you make the cranberry sauce I would cut it back dramatically, unless you want a ton of cranberry sauce! The batch Brandon made was for a large group donation so I would cut it in 1/4 if it’s just for a group of 5 or 7. He is used to making large amounts of food. lol
We hope you enjoy!
If you have any questions please let us know.