Spring Breakfast Bagel

I’m always on the search for the perfect bagel. Something that’s not too crazy, you don’t have to be in the kitchen for too long making it, and it’s just plain satisfying. I don’t eat a bagel the same way twice, but this one made me think a lot longer about that statement, so I decided to share it with all of you. There is something about that toasty, crunchy, yet doughy substantial flavor of bagels that beats out other types of breakfast breads; sure, I love toast, mostly rye or sourdough, but I don’t know if I can get through a whole loaf of it on my own. English muffins are tasty, but just not substantial enough for my personal preference of bready morning goodness. Croissants are for luxury morning eating and sweet rolls are for those extra sweet lazy weekends. So what do you do when you need a good “get me going” breakfast on the go? Eat this Spring bagel and you’ll have enough energy for the rest of the day. Pea shoots make for a subtle boost in flavor, and the freshness of spring veggies help kick start the day, with a spicy arugula finish.
1 everything bagel, sliced in ½ and toasted
1 small hand full pea shoots
½ cup arugula
½ medium yellow heirloom tomato, sliced
2 thin slices red onion
4 slices cucumber
1-2 tablespoons cream cheese, depending on your preference
Place toasted bagel down and spread cream cheese evenly over each side.
Then, add thinly sliced cucumber and yellow tomatoes. Season with a small amount of salt and pepper.
Add thinly sliced onions on top of tomatoes.
Mix together pea shoots and arugula and top the bagel with this mixture.
Top with other half of the bagel, slice in half and enjoy.