Bachan’s 88th Birthday
Yesterday I presented some of the best food I’ve ever made. In my cooking experience this is what it comes down to, delivering something with love and something so honest as the things you grew up with, or just love yourself that the food you’ve always loved and the food other people love is what makes your best dish. On July 21st it was my Bachan’s ( dads mom Grandma in Japanese) 88th birthday. She is one of the most amazing, wonderful, strong, and beautiful people in my life. I started cooking in her kitchen at a very young age on long summer weekends or just after Christmas onto new years. We would experiment with vegetables and pickles and make nothing into something every time. Her fridge was always filled with the most bizarre amazing things and it all tasted incredible. I learned so many things from her not only in the kitchen but in life in general. I love you so much Bachan. Thank you for everything you’ve given me.
I attempted to recreate my childhood memories from Bachans house to share with not only her but my dad’s family who may or may not have eaten these things in many years. I also created things that were familiar but different to put my own spin on classic dishes we all loved,others I left just as we all remembered. I hope you have these customs with your families and live a life full of love with the people that mean the most to you. Thank you for sharing in our families tradition, my love, and my art.

Tofu Salad with bonito flakes, tomato and white mushrooms with sweet miso dressing, Chirashi (Japanese sushi Rice with Kamaboko), California Roll, Spam Musubi, Spicy Shrimp and Cucumber Roll, Grilled Kabocha with Honey, Sake and Mirin Steamed Japanese Sweet potatoes, cha siu (Chinese BBQ Pork) style pork tenderloin, Sake and Soy Mirin Marinated Grilled Chicken Thighs, Terriyaki Beef Skewers, Beef Korokke (japanese style fried pototoe dumplings) Shitake Mushroom scallion and green bean Korokee, Pork and beef water chestnut Wontons, Inari, Crab Okonomiyaki, takuan-zuke (pickeled Dikon) , Tsukemono (Pickled cucumbers and Cabbage) Kamaboko and scallions for Somen (japnese cold noodles) , Togarashi and Ponzu Grilled Chicken Drums, Spicy haricot vert with sesame seeds and soy sauce. Roasted Broccoli with soy sauce aioli, sunomono