Roasted Corn on the Charcoal Grill

I have a small little charcoal grill for now, if i had it my way I’d have a much bigger one but this does the trick for the moment. It gives enough constant heat that cooks meat evenly and keeps vegetables from turning black too fast.
Corn is in the peak of its season right now and I love it. Corn on the cob just simple with nothing but a roasted on the grill flavor is one of my very favorite things to eat of all time. It’s so easy that you really can’t mess it up unless you let it catch of fire for years. A little fire never killed anyone just make sure the kernels aren’t all black and your fine. A little blackened corn never hurt anyone.
For my roasted corn I take off excess husks that are darker green,remove some of the silk, and break off any excess stalk from the bottom.
Then soak in water for about 10 minutes this makes the corn moist and lets it steam while it roasts to speed up the process.
Take the corn and then place it on your hot grill and let it roast, flipping as desired. I’d say depending on your corns size it may take about 25 to 30 minutes. When the corn has plumped and the kernels look roasted and a little darker yellow your corn is done.
Sometimes I boil my corn 1st for about 7 minutes and then just finish it on the grill if i need to get it done super fast and still want some smoke on it. Either way I hope you roast corn this summer. Its delicious and you’ll be seeing it on many of my Grilling adventures. 4 for a dollar who can beat that 🙂

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