Young Minds Hungry Stomachs … Cooking Classes at Pacific Lodge…
One of the most precious gifts I’m able to give is being a teacher. But one of the most difficult things for me is to be taught. My inner teacher can often be a cruel bitch but it’s getting better. Teaching brings about a level of patience and understanding that I don’t believe is matched by anything else. I strive every day to look at everyone as a teacher in my life and learn from them the lessons I could never teach myself. More and more I seek to be taught by whichever measures possible, being an eager understanding voice in a sea of chaos. I’ve taught cooking classes and many line cooks, and chefs over the past 4 years of my life. I also look at this blog as a teaching session which is why my recipes are not written in the most standard way but more as a voice showing you how to do things. Most people are visual in their learning process. I know I am. For the most part I don’t learn how to do things by being told how to do them but actually being shown how to do it. My cooking is just that, all the little things that I’ve shown either myself by trial and error or that others have shown me. I hope you follow your inner teacher in the kitchen and believe in yourself to make delicious treats.
My current teaching position is at Pacific Lodge Boys Home. This institution is a residential treatment center for boys 13-17. These kids are children/ young adults who hopefully will look at this as a second chance for a new future. Some will and some wont, neglect is at the heart of most troubled children so they’ve turned to some kind of crime which has them court appointed to PL. The kids in my class are the ones with lesser offenses on good behavior, who are most of the time pretty close to leaving, we use sharp knives and the lessons are hands on so i keep the classes to about 8-10 kids. I never understood when I took this activity, how hard this would be but at the same time how rewarding it is. These boys just want someone to care about them, talk to them, and see them for who they are. And deep down I believe that’s what we all need. I’ve taught almost 20 classes here the boys change all the time which i think is good because most of the time that means they’ve gotten to go home. These classes are a gift and I’m so proud to be able to give back.
My classes are set in a way that the boys are able to wash, chop, cut, clean, stir, mix, bake, measure, saute, and all those other great cooking things. They are taught the small details of cooking but most of all get the bigger picture. We don’t follow recipes, we cook with our hearts and most of all I try to show them food doesn’t have to be intimidating. I show up in my chef coat and am asked countless times where I went to school and how long I’ve been cooking. I’m only to happy to answer these questions. I hope one day these boys are able to find as much happiness in what they love to do as I have when I’m cooking. We end up cooking for about 15 people by the end of the night and these boys don’t have small appetites. We aren’t cooking Michelin star food but a fancy take on home cooked favorites with vegetables stuck in where ever I can. Here are some pictures of plates that I’ve made with the boys. Everything from hamburgers to lasagna to stir fry and tostadas. The menu is set up by making three dishes, A main protein complex carb dish and then a side dish of vegetable goodness and then we made dessert also. I over reach most of the time. I like to have a lot for the guys to do. We don’t make health foods but i introduce as many healthy fresh ingredients as possible, they get enough crappy cafeteria food that they all look almost 1/2 starved. The thanks and appreciation is overwhelming and the boys are so proud of what they make and eat.

Grilled Bratwurst with sweet red onion gravy, red rose mashed potatoes and hickory bacon roasted cabbage
Pistachio Oreo Pie with chocolate pudding and graham cracker crust
thanksgiving style dinner turkey tender wrapped in bacon, marshmallow yams, mashed potatoes, zucchini stuffing, crostini, creamed green beans
Fried Chicken, Collard greens, Mac N cheese and Lemon Shortbread fingerprint raspberry jam cookies
Mozzarella Avocado Cobb Salad with Cali Cheesesteaks Sourdough rolls filled with tomatillo aioli roasted steak peppers and onions with Provolone cheese
Carne Asada Tostadas with Pico de gallo, queso fresco and chorizo pinto beans, Calabaza y elote (simmered squash and corn with Mexican cheese) Coconut rice pudding with Mexican Coconut chocolate sauce
This last picture is of the most recent class I had on Monday. I don’t really have too much time to take pictures before the devouring begins.
This will be an ongoing series in this blog.
Thank you all for being my teachers. Much Gratitude.
Cheers everyone
I hope you’re all having a wonderful week